Thursday, June 25, 2009

We all Need a Nice, Calm, Dog Danglin' Day Sometimes

Talk about an uneventful day today, especially considering the events of, oh I don't know, the last ten. Work moved at a slower pace than that of a snail after spending the first three days of this week at a breakneck pace, and you know what? It was great. I didn't have any contact with D so there were no new developments there so that's that on that front.

Probably the most exciting thing going on today was the setup for the Bruno premier outside. One nice thing about my shitty job is that my shitty company's office is located in the building right across the street from The Chinese Theater in Hollywood and we have an amazing view of it. So when there's a big premiere we have probably the best view in the world. The setup for Bruno was fittingly guady, and it lasted all day in the same fashion as all big premieres. As much as I wanted to be there and see how it all went down, this was the first day this week when I was able to leave at a decent time and I had to take that opportunity to run far far away from that place as fast as I could.

I actually made it to the gym for the first time this week, sad because I had planned to go at least three times this week. That's usually how things work at the company, it's like they know you've got plans so they fucking torch them every fucking time.

That's really about that I guess, the Bulls drafted two guys I've never heard of, hopefully they're not corpses. One of my good friends is in town but I sadly wont see him 'til tomorrow. That should be an exciting time. I had a nice, short chat with the back pocket girl tonight, I'll probably try to set something up for the weekend with her so we'll have to wait and see how that goes.

Other than that, I guess that about does it for today. Time to get rested up for what is gonna be a long 9 or so day period. People coming into town, road trips to San Diego and lots of stuff that I haven't found about about yet. Can't wait.

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