Saturday, July 11, 2009

blah blah blah

(sigh) Been a slow, laid back week = about fucking time. Not gonna lie, I'm feeling better by the day, D is slowly fading from my rear view, the friend visitations are done for awhile, I can almost smell a job promotion and in just three short weeks I'll out on the East Coast being the visitor instead of the host. Yeah, life's okay right now. Not great, not shitty.

Went out with the girl whom I previously referred to as the Hip Pocket Girl tonight. I guess we'll just call her HPG from now on, got that? Maybe you should write it down. Anyway, this was our second date, we walked on 3rd street prominade then came back and chilled at my place before she left. No action, didn't make a move. Well, a slight one at the end, but I didn't really go for it. Got kind of a peck and she said "I can't kiss you yet."

Ugh, I don't know how I feel about this chick. She's kind of falling into that category where I'd do here but wouldn't date her and that's a problem I have. Well, I guess it's either a problem or a good thing depending on your opinions. Basically, I'm not good at being a scumbag. I can be in one night stand circumstances, but I can't lead a girl on, fuck her, then hang her out to dry. Nor can I fake date girls just to get some ass. I know lots of guys who can do it, but I just feel wrong. In the end, I'm a nice guy, what can I say?

It's funny, I often think about how much higher the number of girls I've had sex with would be if I could just turn that niceness off, but you can't change who you are, right? I guess I'm a bit of a hypocrite in this instance though because even though I say I'm a nice guy and can't be a dick, every girl I've ever fucked with the exception of one, I didn't have any feelings for. I've only truly liked one girl that I've had sex with. Crazy. I've had more one/two night stands than meaningful relationships. But, now that I think of it, we've kind of been over this so moving on...

I guess there's really not much else. Tomorrow I'm meeting with this actor to play a part in this little short I wrote that I've been trying to shoot for awhile. It's hard to stay focused on that shit when you work as much as I do, but it's gonna get shot. I believe in the project and think it could be pretty funny if we do it right. I don't think it would cost much at all either. The biggest thing would be renting cameras, the best way to shoot it would be 3 camera because it's mocking the traditional 3-cam sitcom format.

Either way, I hope this guy, who comes highly recommended, works out and we can get wheels in motion. It's still kind of early so I think I'm gonna put some work in on this script I started writing awhile ago, fell off of, but over the past couple days have been thinking about and want to get back to. If that last sentence made any sense to you then pat yourself on the back. And on that note, I bid you adeu.

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